
Membership of Edinburgh Blues Club is based on a monthly subscription fee of £12 per month from now for new subscriptions (existing subscribers from February 2018). This payment will provide you entry to our shows, including exclusive members shows, with no additional ticket costs. Please join at least 3 days in advance of the first show you plan to attend.

Please take the time to create an account on this site to help us track your membership. An email will be sent to you from this site , therefore check your spam box in case you cant find it.

Direct Debit

Our preferred method of payment is via Direct Debit service provided by GoCardless. Prior to sign up, please visit their website if you wish to review what they provide and refer to their FAQ section if you have any concerns about using their Direct Debit payment service.

We currently provide 4 subscriptions options. Please select one of the following 4  options that best suites your needs.

Single Monthly

Single Monthly Subscription of £12 

Couples Monthly

Couples Monthly Subscription of £22

Family of 3 Monthly

Family of 3 Monthly Subscription of £33


Yearly Subscription of  £130 per annum. 


PayPal is now our second favoured payment option. Please select what type of subscription you wish to use.

Single Monthly

Single Monthly Subscription of £12 

[wp_paypal button=”subscribe” name=”M=Single Monthly Recurring” a3=”12″ p3=”1″ t3=”M” src=”1″]

Couples Monthly

Couples Monthly Subscription of £22

[wp_paypal button=”subscribe” name=”M=Couples Monthly Recurring” a3=”22″ p3=”1″ t3=”M” src=”1″]

Family of 3 Monthly

Family of 3 Monthly Subscription of £33

[wp_paypal button=”subscribe” name=”M=Family of 3 Monthly Recurring” a3=”33″ p3=”1″ t3=”M” src=”1″]


Yearly Subscription of  £130 per annum. 

[wp_paypal button=”subscribe” name=”M=Single Yearly Recurring” a3=”130″ p3=”1″ t3=”Y” src=”1″]

Edinburgh Blues Club Membership Terms & Conditions

Except where expressly agreed otherwise by us in writing every member of the club shall be subject to these terms and conditions. The Edinburgh Blues Club reserves the right to use discretion in all matters relating to membership.

1. Membership of the Edinburgh Blues Club gives the member guaranteed entry to all events promoted as Edinburgh Blues Club without the requirement to purchase a ticket; unless specifically detailed on the event in question.

2. Membership begins on receipt of first monthly payment. Subscriptions are paid monthly in advance. A member joins once and the membership continues providing the monthly/annual payments continue or the membership is revoked.

3. Members must pay by monthly/annual standing order from their bank account or by PayPal. Bank information must be supplied at the time of commencement of membership. New members can collect their membership cards at the next show they attend.

4. Your membership card is issued by the club and remains the property of the club. Your card is evidence of your membership and you will be required to produce this when you attend club events. In addition to verifying your membership this information to estimate the likely level of member attendance at future shows.

5. Memberships are not transferable and admittance to the event will only be permitted to the individual named on the card on production of the official membership card. The exception to this is in the case of corporate memberships where the attendee can be any associate of the corporation.

6. Members are responsible for their fees on a continuous basis. Changes in bank account or bank card can result in missing monthly membership payments. The membership list is updated on a monthly basis and where payments are missed, the member is suspended from the club.

7. Membership is continuous until cancelled or revoked in writing, and acknowledged. A member should write or email to inform us that they no longer wish to continue as a member. Membership should be for a minimum of six months and no refund will be made on resignation for subscription payments received.

8. The club provides a minimum of 12 shows throughout the year. While the club rarely promotes during the summer months, members should maintain their payments during this period as the funds are allocated to additional shows, principally in June and September.

9. Members will be notified by email of any changes to subscription fees; the website will detail other changes.

10. Terms and conditions of membership may be revised from time to time and members should be aware of the terms and conditions posted on the website.